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L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00


An augmented reality app for practising scaffolding and formwork assembly work

You can now use the mobile application developed in the Arfat project, available for Android in Google Play Store.


If you are a teacher and want to try the Arfat App with your students, or you are a student and want to learn and practice directly, with augmented reality, fundamental procedures for professional performance in the assembly of scaffolding and formwork, you can now download the mobile application, through the Google Play Store.

With this App, developed in the European project Arfat that has just ended, in which the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has participated as a partner entity, 12 safe work procedures can be practiced in an entertaining and simple way, using augmented reality:

  • Scaffold transport - Lifting.
  • Scaffold erection - Stabilization.
  • Scaffold assembly - Fall protection.
  • Use of the scaffold - Access.
  • Use of scaffolding - Structural integrity.
  • Dismantling the scaffold - Protection of the working area.
  • Transport of the formwork - Stacking and lifting.
  • Transport of the formwork - Suspended load guide.
  • Assembly of the formwork - Assembly.
  • Use of formwork - Concreting.
  • Use of formwork - Maintenance.
  • Dismantling of the formwork - Dismantling.

In order to be able to use the App in its entirety, a marker -or an anchor image on paper- is provided that serves as a base for the image to work in three dimensions and the user can carry out the different phases of the safe work. By dragging each element to its place, the scaffolding and formwork needed in the simulation can be assembled.

In addition, a brief guide on the training that can be applied with this application and the operation of the App is provided, as well as a developed and detailed manual for trainers.

From December 2016 until this November, the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has participated as a partner in this European project of the Erasmus+ programme, together with the Polish leader Politechnika Warszawska and the other members of the partnership: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Menederów Budownictwa and Peri, also from Poland; Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD), from Germany; and Universitat de València (UV), from Spain.

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