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Cedefop's indicates that young people aged 20-34 graduated in VET are more likely to be employed than those with just a high school degree

The organisation publishes a report that summarises and compares VET systems in the European Union, Iceland and Norway



The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) has recently published its compilation and comparative report on Vocational Education and Training (VET) Systems in Europe: Cedefop (2019). Spotlight on VET-2018 compilation: vocational education and training systems in Europe.

In a clear, concise and very graphic way, this document shows the current situation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the European Union (EU), Iceland and Norway.

According to the study, the European average of higher secondary school students (ISCED level 3 2011) enrolled in vocational and general education programmes is quite balanced, with 50.7% enrolled in general education compared to 49.3% in vocational education (2016 data).

In the top positions are the Czech Republic, Finland, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Austria and the Netherlands, where the percentages of those enrolled in VET range between 72.9% and 67.5%. At the bottom, Spain represents a percentage of 34.8%, clearly below the average of the countries analysed, but above seven other countries.

With regard to lifelong learning, the report focuses its comparison on population data, aged 25-64, who participated in education and training during the four weeks preceding the survey (conducted in 2017). With a European average of 10.9%, Sweden ranks first with 30.4%, followed by Finland and Denmark with 27.4% and 26.8% respectively. In last place is Romania, with 1.1%, together with Croatia and Bulgaria, both countries with 2.3%.

Increase in employment percentages since VET

In relation to the employment rates of young graduates, aged between 20 and 34, who are no longer studying or training (data from 2017), the Vocational Training graduates who have found work outnumber those who have entered the labour market from the general education system: 79.5% as opposed to 73%.

With the exception of Portugal, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and Luxembourg, countries in which the employment rate through the general system, in the situation described above, exceeds that of VET, the rest of countries, including Spain (72.1 as opposed to 67.7%), have a higher percentage of young people who find work from VET.

Cedefop provides this publication as a useful handbook for policy-makers, social partners, experts and researchers, as well as for other actors involved in VET-related activities: providers, teachers and trainers; guidance, qualification and validation staff; and anyone interested in becoming familiar with VET systems in Europe and internationally.

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