900 11 21 21

L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00


EPIU Getafe partnership meets in person, for the first time after the Covid crisis


Last Friday 28th May, the partnership of EPIU Getafe Hogares Saludables project met in person for the first time after the coronavirus crisis, with all security measures. The meeting was important to update and analyse the work carried out, and to discuss the upcoming launches to against the energy poverty in Getafe.

Among the upcoming works, the launch of the Healthy Homes Office (Oficina Hogares Saludables -OHS-) was discussed, which will start at the beginning of June, with a direct service in the Civic Centre of Las Margaritas and La Alhóndiga-Fátima.

The participation in this first face-to-face meeting, after a long time, was very productive and the partners showed their aim to advance in the different works of this Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) initiative, to improve the comfort of the Getafe neighbourhood and create Healthy Homes.

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