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Find out about the state of the circular economy in construction in Europe from experts in the sector

Through the Green Growth project, coordinated by Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, the Manual for teachers in the sector has been produced: The circular economy applied to the construction sector, which helps to implement this system on a day-to-day basis


The adoption of the European Green Deal by the member countries has encouraged the implementation of approaches and ways of working close to the circular economy in different sectors, including the construction sector. Through international projects, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción tries to respond to the challenges arising from the application of this model on the construction site, such as the Green Growth project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, which seeks to improve skills to meet the challenge of the circular economy in the sector.

As part of the research work carried out in Green Growth, the partners have interviewed around twenty experts - entrepreneurs, SMEs, teachers, business associations or federations, public administrations and research centres in Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Slovenia - on the practical application of the circular model.

The aim of the consultation was to identify the main training needs in the circular economy and to develop a Manual for teachers in the sector: The circular economy applied to the construction sector to help implement this system on a daily basis.

Influence of the circular economy in the construction sector

Among the questions put to the experts, they were asked about the current application of this model in their daily work. Apart from the teachers, all of them stated that they "know" the meaning of the "circular economy", according to their field of activity. In the case of trainers in the sector, this gap has serious implications for the application of the circular model, as they play a key role as facilitators of knowledge in occupations on the ground.

The familiarity of the public sector with the concept is noteworthy. The interviewees agreed that the Administration is making an "effort" to apply the circular model in municipalities through the financing of urban regeneration projects.

In the field of sectoral training, there is concern about the lack of knowledge of the term, which has highlighted the need to integrate the concept of this model into curricula and at the institutional level, both in the operation of the centres and in the development of their activities.

Drivers of recovery and recycling

Among the reasons driving the implementation of the circular economy in the sector, the experts highlighted:

  • The low availability of raw materials.
  • The use of the circular model that promotes the local economy and short circuits.
  • Compliance with public procurement requirements.
  • Increased environmental awareness among consumers.
  • Reduction of costs related to materials and the management of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW)

The perception of the circular economy among workers

The interviewees agreed that all professionals in the sector, regardless of their profile or occupation, should understand the life cycle of a building and how the principles of the circular economy can be adapted to each building.

The experts also stressed the importance of applying the model in the design phase, as correct eco-design optimises the use of materials, waste management and energy consumption.


Training gaps

Currently, training in the circular economy is insufficient, both in vocational training and in the initial stages of the education system. This type of training is only provided at university level, leaving out a large part of the construction sector, according to experts.

New European policies are evolving towards a green procurement system. For this reason, Green Growth aims to implement the circular economy as a cross-cutting subject within the sector's training, so that both teachers and students are aware of the advantages of applying this approach.

Full details of the survey can be found on the project website.

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  • Responsable del tratamiento: FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN.
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