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Published the European strategy 'Renovation Wave', to improve the energy efficiency of buildings

By 2030, 35 million buildings could be renovated and up to 160,000 additional green jobs created in the construction sector.


The European Commission (EC) has published its strategy 'Renovation Wave' to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and duplicate the rate of retrofitting over the next ten years. The measures will improve the quality of life of people living in and using buildings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Europe.

The European body considers that the development of this strategy could mean, by 2030, the recovery of 35 million constructions with the consequent creation of up to 160,000 additional green jobs in the sector. 

Buildings account for around 40% of the EU's energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions. However, only 1% of buildings are renovated in an energy-efficient way each year, so effective measures are essential for Europe.

The Executive Vice-President of the European Green Pact, Frans Timmermans, said at the presentation of these new guidelines for action: "We want everyone in Europe to have a home they can light, heat, or cool without breaking the bank or breaking the planet. The Renovation Wave will improve the places where we work, live and study, while reducing our impact on the environment and providing jobs for thousands of Europeans. We need better buildings if we want to build back better.”

Furthermore, the EC has recalled that almost 34 million Europeans cannot allow themselves to keep heating in their homes and has included a Recommendation in the document, for Member States to combat this situation. 

Priority areas for action 

The Commission's strategy identifies three priority areas for action: de-carbonisation of heating and cooling, the fight against energy poverty and the improvement of less efficient buildings, and the renovation of public spaces such as schools, hospitals and administrative buildings. 

In addition, it proposes to break down existing barriers in the course of the renovation chain, from project design to finishing, with a set of policy measures, financing tools and technical assistance instruments.

In line with Europe

Fundación Laboral has been working in line with the document published by the EC through five European projects: Construction Blueprint (Erasmus+), Construye 2020+ (Horizon 2020), EPIU Getafe Hogares Saludables (UIA), CDWaste (Erasmus+) and RCdiGreen (Interreg Poctefa).

Aspects such as energy poverty, reuse and recycling, which the European body includes in 'Renovation Wave', are addressed in the aforementioned European initiatives carried out by the entity, and for which improving professional training is key.

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