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Start the Mix-Tec project on the use of augmented reality and virtual reality in lifelong learning for SMEs

Fundación Laboral de la Construcción participates as a partner in this Erasmus+ initiative, in which the Confederación de Empresarios de la Construcción de Aragón and several companies of the region, such as Metro7, also collaborate.


Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies have moved from the playful field to the educational and business fields, to bring professionals closer to processes, materials and tools that can be difficult, expensive and risky in a face-to-face setting.  For this reason, it has become a very powerful channel for digital teaching in continuous training in companies, as it allows workers to interact in a learning context, in which real scenarios are emulated.

Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has started its participation as a partner organisation, with the strong involvement of the Territorial Council of Aragon, in the Mixed Technologies (Mix-Tec) project, an Erasmus+ initiative to promote the use of AR and VR applied to lifelong learning in SMEs. This European initiative is led by Sustainum, the Berlin Institute for a Sustainable Economy, and in addition to Germany and Spain, organisations from Austria are also part of the partnership. On the Spanish side, the collaboration is completed by the Confederation of Construction Entrepreneurs of Aragon and several companies of this region, such as Metro7.

Two years, thirteen institutions, three countries

For two years, thirteen institutions will work on design of specific, cost-effective and flexible AR/VR solutions for in-company training and will carry out an exchange of professional experiences between the different countries involved.

From this exchange, the project will give as one of its results, a compilation of experiences of Extended Reality (XR) in lifelong Vocational Training in companies.

In addition, a didactic model will be provided on how AR and VR can be used specifically in continuing education in the workplace, and combined with other technologies, allowing specific applications to be designed with less technical and financial effort.

On the other hand, a piloting process will be carried out in the three participating countries, where the Vocational Training Centre of Fundación Laboral in Aragon and its cycles will play a major role, with the aim of applying the didactic model in the learning units, to be evaluated by the training staff of the Centre. The model will also be applied in several Aragonese companies in the field of continuous training for active workers.

With the development of this project, the participating SMEs and the Vocational Training Centre of Aragon will be at the forefront of high-level technical lifelong learning. In the long term, they will have the benefit of having a more innovative option for the continuous training of workers and students, including these technologies.

The partnership of the new project held its first virtual meeting on April 22nd to launch the first Mix-Tec works.

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