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The Construction Inheritance project of the Fundación Laboral, awarded for Erasmus+ Quality

Sepie recognized the quality Erasmus + 2018 to the joint entity for this initiative, and the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission, as a success story in the European Year of Cultural Heritage.


The Fundación Laboral de la Construcción was awarded by the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (Sepie), dependent on the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, with the "Erasmus+ 2018 Quality Award", in the Vocational Training category, for the European project Construction Inheritance. The general manager of the joint entity, Enrique Corral, collected the distinction at the Annual Day of Dissemination Erasmus+ 2018 that Sepie held at the Teatro Real, last Monday 3 December.

Knowledge as European cultural heritage

Selected as a success story by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, this initiative, which addresses the preservation of knowledge held by veteran professionals in the construction sector, about processes, methods, materials and traditional tools for the restoration of buildings, through the transfer to younger workers, is one of the outstanding experiences from different fields of training included in the publication "Erasmus+ Enriching our cultural heritage". This is a recognition for the work done to promote the value of Europe's cultural heritage, in the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

With a budget of €246,240, from October 2015 to September 2017, six institutions from Spain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, France and Portugal, led by the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, worked on the recovery of craft trades for the traditional rehabilitation of the Heritage.

The head of the International Projects department of the Foundation, Javier González, participated in the round table "The experience of my institution in Erasmus+", showing the application of the Construction Inheritance project, which offers, in six languages, a virtual 360° tour of the Palazzo Calò Carducci, an 18th century building located in the old town of Bari, rehabilitated for a residential and tourist use. It promotes, 18 skills recovered in the project: stone cutting, brick masonry, shoring, lintels, rainwater channeling, stairs, ornamentation, porches, decorative finishes, roofs, roof finishes, arches and vaults, decorative masonry, roof junctions, sanitary installations, channeling junctions, crack repair and decorative painting.

More than a thousand people attended this day, nearly filling the seating capacity. The event was led by the presenter of the programme "Aquí hay trabajo" of “La 2 TVE” , Antolín Romero, who gave voice to some beneficiaries of the 2014-2020 call of the Erasmus+ programme and their enriched experiences.

Erasmus+, an European brand with a positive impact

The president of Sepie and general secretary of Universities of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, José Manuel Pingarrón, emphasised the importance of the internationalization of Education and Training and that students, managers, teachers and professionals travel to broaden their horizons and improve their cultural and professional experience. He also congratulated the awarded institutions.

For her part, the director of Sepie, Coral Martínez, reinforced these objectives of the Erasmus+ programme and shared data from the reports on the impact of internationalisation on education, the study of Sepie itself and that of the Court of Auditors of the European Union (EU), which place Erasmus+ as a European benchmark, which generates a positive impact in European countries.

Coral Martínez reviewed the general results of 2018, offered the novelties of the Erasmus+ Call for 2019 and advanced the future Erasmus+ programme "Investing in people (2021-2027)". According to the figures, the budget foreseen for Vocational Training (VET) projects in the 2019 call increases by 6%, and for Adult Education projects by 26%.

With regard to the Erasmus+ programme for the period 2021-2027 -on which Brussels has been working for a few months on the text of the new regulation that will govern it- there will also be an increase of 5.23% in the budget for vocational training and 1.19% for adult education. The Sepie aims to financially support 12 million people, surpassing the 4 million beneficiaries of the previous period, providing a total of 30 million euros.

The emotional event, featured the intervention of Irene Villa, journalist and European Ambassador for Citizenship, to talk about "Inclusion as a motor of European values", and was accompanied by three musical performances: a cover version of “Color Esperanza”, by María Sáez, a young future Erasmus+; a piece by the Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla, performed by the string duo Anastassia and Kateryna, Erasmus+ students, who are doing their international mobility at the Superior Music Conservatory  of Vigo; and a varied colophon with songs and dances from the University of Murcia Choir.

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  • Responsable del tratamiento: FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN.
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