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L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00

MAIN.CON - Augmented Reality Applied to the Maintenance of Construction Machinery (2010-2012)

Project through which the application of Augmented Reality technology (AR) in the maintenance of earthmoving machinery shall be studied.

Training Tools

This is a European project for the Transfer of Innovation approved by the Leonardo da Vinci Spanish Agency.

The Construction Education Foundation will launch a project to study the application of Augmented Reality technology (AR) in the maintenance of construction machinery. The Foundation will work for two years in this European project for the Transfer of Innovation approved by the Leonardo da Vinci Spanish Agency.

The purpose of this initiative is to design and implement a first class training system in the maintenance of construction machinery, based on the innovative Augmented Reality technology (AR, direct or indirect view of a physical environment in the real world whose elements are combined with virtual elements to create a mixed reality) which allows an improvement of the basic skills of the operators of earthmoving machinery related to the maintenance of their machines, and not just with the operation thereof.

By means of this project, an improvement in the quality and the innovation of systems, institutions, instructional practices and vocational training is endeavoured.

Project phases:

The first part of the project consists in analysing the various types of earthmoving machines with the objective of selecting the most appropriate equipment to implement the training system based on AR in order to later identify the basic skills associated with the maintenance of the machine selected.

Once the machine and the skills of the operator are identified, the software necessary to establish the AR-based training design shall be developed, as well as the hardware necessary for its development and implementation.

Finally, a pilot experiment shall be carried out to train operators in which the system shall be tested. Also, a full report shall be carried out containing the following: the results of the field research, the dynamic map of basic maintenance operations skills, learning units, AR instruction system and the report of the pilot experiment.

The Construction Education Foundation, the promoter of the initiative, will develop the project in collaboration with the following: the Polish British Construction Partnership (Poland), the Centro Edile Andrea Palladio and Ente Scuola per la Formazione delle Maestranze Edili (Italy), and the Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V. (Germany). These are entities with a significant sectoral, national and European level implementation.

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