900 11 21 21

L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00


An experience for life. This is how our VET students experience their Erasmus training


This week we bring you the testimony of some of our Vocational Training students who have just returned from their Erasmus experience. A total of 18 young people from medium-level and basic-level VET from the Training Centres of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción in Huarte (Navarra), Villafranca (Navarra), Maliaño (Cantabria) and Revilla de Camargo (Cantabria) have travelled to Italy to complete their training, learn about how the sector works in another country and live an unforgettable experience that, without a doubt, will have an impact on their life, both personally and professionally.

Specifically, eight of them belong to the VET medium-level of 'Excavation and Drilling Technician', VET basic-level of 'Manufacturing and Assembly' and VET basic-level of 'Renovation and Maintenance of Buildings' courses offered at FLC in Navarra. They all travelled to the Italian city of Vicenza where they completed their training at the Scuola Construzioni Vicenza Andrea Palladio.

In addition, the other 10 are students of the VET basic-level of 'Technician of Interior Works, Decoration and Rehabilitation' and the VET basic-level of 'Renovation and Maintenance of Buildings' courses offered at FLC in Cantabria. These young people were at the Centro Servizi Edili in Parma enhancing the knowledge acquired in their training.

We invite you to get to know the experience in the following video, where the VET students are the protagonists!

As part of this international experience, from 14 to 18 November, eleven workers from the Training and Employment Department of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción received an Erasmus+ mobility grant abroad to learn about the Italian Vocational Training system and exchange good practices with other centres of reference in the sector in Piacenza, Parma and Cremona, both in terms of insertion and employability.

It is undoubtedly an opportunity for enrichment. Do you want to experience it? We are waiting for you.



The BuildOffsiteEU project is co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (Sepie) are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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  • Responsable del tratamiento: FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN.
  • Finalidad del tratamiento: mantener al usuario informado sobre la actualidad de la FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN y del sector de la construcción.
  • Legitimación: consentimiento del interesado.
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