900 11 21 21

L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00


Experts talk about the training necessities to achieve the energy objectives of the 2030 Agenda


On 16 June, the BUILD UP Skills project called 'Construye 2030' organized a focus group discussion in Sevilla to examine the training requirements of construction workers. The participants shared their insights, addressing one of the urgent challenges faced by the sector:

Increase the number of trained workers so that the construction sector is ready to meet the 2030 Goals.


This meeting was part of the project's activities, contracted through a research consulting company, aimed at conducting a sectoral study. The study aims to provide information about the current state of the sector, which is one of the main outcomes of the project.

To achieve this objective, previous research phases conducted by the project partners were analyzed, focusing on sector characterization, energy consumption, and the educational and training environment in the sector.

Meeting with key industry stakeholders

The focus of the day was on sector-specific training, with an emphasis on elements that promote energy efficiency and renewable energies. The need of understanding the specific skills required by workers was highlighted during the discussions.

The study aims to determine the number of people who need to be trained as well as the curricula content to construct and renovate buildings that will contribute to Spain's achievement of its energy transition goals by 2030.

Discover more about BUILD UP Skills project

‘Construye 2030’,

belongs to the LIFE programme and aims to update the research performed in 2012 on the topic, as well as the relaunching of the first National Qualification Platform. This update will be carried out through:

  • Collaborative work with dozens of professionals from different areas of the construction and related sectors.
  • Analysis of statistics from the sector
  • Development of focus groups and interviews with experts
  • Support and dissemination seminars about the project


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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