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Fundación Laboral de la Construcción receives the European Innovative Teaching Award 2023, at the Royal Theater in Madrid

During the awards ceremony, the SEPIE highlighted the importance of the Erasmus+ projects which promote the training of workers with the necessary skills for companies, taking advantage of the celebration of the European Year of Skills 2023


The Training Projects Department of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has received, on December 12th, the European Innovative Teaching Award #EITA2023, granted by the European Commission and delivered by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE), at a event held at the Royal Theater in Madrid, which was attended by representatives of the government and public administrations, together with the award winners. 

In addition to this ceremony held at national level, the European Commission carried out, on October 23rd and 24th, the #EITA2023 ceremony at European level, in Brussels, which was attended by Javier González, Training and Employment Director at Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, as a representative of the entity. 

European Year of Skills 2023 

During the #EITA2023 ceremony, which coincided with the annual Erasmus+ dissemination day, the importance of the European Year of Skills #EYS2023 was highlighted. An initiative of the European Union that focuses on "the need to reduce the mismatch between the skills demanded by companies and those offered by workers". 

Following this objective, José Manuel Pingarrón, Secretary General for Universities of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, used his speech to present data from the latest Eurobarometer, according to which: "95% of SMEs say that it is essential for their business to have workers with the necessary skills". 

César de la Fuente Ruiz, Head of the Area of the Education and Training Department of CEOE, stressed the work being done by the 'Construye 2030' project, coordinated by Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, to promote skills in energy efficiency and sustainable construction among workers in the sector, very much in line with the objectives of the European Year of Skills 2023 and stating that: "the shortage of skills reduces the welfare state of a country". 

"The Erasmus+ Factory" 

Alfonso Gentil Álvarez-Ossorio, SEPIE Director of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, wanted to highlight that Spain is the second country in the European Union that participates the most in the Erasmus+ programme. 

Currently, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción participates in eight Erasmus+ initiatives: #Pact4Youth, for the attraction of young people to the construction sector, through a global strategy for their qualification and employability; 'NaturBuild', where industrialised training in green roofs is developed; #BuildOffsiteEU, which develops a digital map of competences and a training itinerary in industrialised construction; 'HABITABLE' focused on the promotion of centers of excellence for the improvement of professional competences in the habitat sector; 'EasTDVET' for the transfer of results from digital innovation projects to the classroom; 'CONCRETO' which establishes an alliance for the development of theoretical-practical knowledge for the sustainable rehabilitation of European architectural heritage in concrete; 'FemCON' in which educational tools are developed to address gender stereotypes in the sector; and 'XR Energy' on extended reality tools for use in education and professional training in the sector. 

Good practices within the Erasmus+ programme 

After these interventions, and following the presentation of the EFQM Quality Seal to the SEPIE, two round tables were held. In the first one, the Erasmus+ programme was presented as an engine for the updating of competences and professional recycling, and the stories of some beneficiaries of the program were told, thanks to which they have been able to turn their lives around. 

At the second round table 'Education and innovation, building bridges between the educational and working worlds', Julio Gil Iglesias, General Director of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, received the #EITA2023 award together with the other three award-winning institutions. During his speech, Julio Gil highlighted the innovative work that the Foundation has been doing for decades to bring training closer to workers in the sector and thus improve the skills of today's professionals. 

Finally, the European Language Label 2022 awards and the Erasmus+ 2023 project quality awards were presented. 


The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (Sepie) are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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