900 11 21 21

L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00


Fundación Laboral de la Construcción welcomes more than 20 Erasmus students from France to its training centres

The entity participates in the Erasmus+ VET Mobility programme funded by the European Union by receiving foreign students and giving the opportunity to its students and its Training and Employment staff to receive a training scholarship in Europe.


From March to April, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has received 21 students from different training centres that BTP-CFA has in France, to complete their training through an Erasmus scholarship that has allowed them to learn more about the construction sector.

Since Monday, the training centre in Las Palmas has received 9 BTP-CFA students from Normandy to train them for two weeks in plumbing, electricity, Exterior Thermal Insulation Systems (SATE), work at heights and BIM Methodology.

In addition to these training courses, the French students will go on several educational excursions to leading centres of innovation in construction. Among them, they will visit the Canary Islands Technological Institute (ITC) where they will learn about its renewable energy projects, the Ayagaures Medioambiente S.L. Self-consumption Photovoltaic Energy Plant and Wind Farm, or the headquarters of the Canary Islands Oceanic Platform (PLOCAN) in the Gilder Laboratories and the Renewable Energy Workshop, and they will try out the Occupational Health and Safety and Virtual Reality simulators for the use of construction machinery at Fundación Laboral de la Construcción.


In addition to these receptions, last March, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción of Cantabria received 12 students from the BTP-CFA centre in Val de Loire de Orleans to train them for two weeks in different subjects within the construction sector and specifically in finishes. In this way, they were able to learn about the laying of battens and friezes, wallpapering techniques and the application of paint with specialised machinery, which has provided them with an opportunity to improve their technical skills.

They also had the opportunity to go on trips to learn about the typical Cantabrian architecture and discover the natural landscapes of the area, enjoying an educational and cultural experience. Specifically, they visited Santillana del Mar, one of the towns of greatest historical and artistic value in Spain, where they had the opportunity to enjoy the Altamira Museum and the Neocueva. They also visited Comillas, which has a magnificent architectural ensemble such as the Palacio de Sobrellano and El Capricho, a modernist building designed by Antoni Gaudí.


Other ways to participate in the Erasmus scholarship scheme

In addition to receiving students from other training centres in European countries, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción offers its Basic and Intermediate VET students the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus scholarship programme for training in centres in Italy, France and Portugal with which the organisation has an agreement.

In the same way as the students, the technical staff and those responsible for the Training and Employment area of the Foundation participate in this exchange programme, travelling for a week to another training institution in Europe, where they share experiences and good practices on national VET systems with other professionals.

All the information about the Erasmus VET scholarship programme, here.







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