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Students from Navarra and Cantabria return from their Erasmus experience

Last October, 17 students of Basic and Intermediate VET traveled to Italy and France to live the Erasmus experience of learning abroad. 


"An unforgettable trip". With these words the students from Navarra and Cantabria described, at their return, how it has been to live the Erasmus experience. 

Last October, 17 students from Fundación Laboral were selected on academic merit to enjoy the Erasmus Scholarship, co-financed by the Erasmus+ Mobility Programme for Vocational Training given by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación - SEPIE), to allow our students to continue their training in reference centers of the construction sector in Europe. 

Cantabria's trip to Italy 

From October 14th to 29th, 7 students of the Intermediate VET Degree of Interior Works, Decoration and Rehabilitation and the Basic VET Degree of Reform and Maintenance of Buildings of Cantabria, accompanied by a instructor, traveled to Italy to learn at the Professional Institute Edile of Bologna about Health and Safety techniques, organization on site, and about construction and finishes, putting into practice all this knowledge. 

In besides learning, the participants were able to enjoy the city of Bologna, to enjoy different bonding activities and to visit other Italian cities, such as Ravenna and Florence. 

Navarre's trip to France 

From October 16th to October 31st, 10 students of the Intermediate VET Degree of Excavation and Drilling, the Basic VET Degree of Building Reform and Maintenance and Manufacturing and Assembly of Navarra enjoyed, accompanied by two teachers, the Erasmus experience in the center of BTP-CFA Ardennes - Poix Terron (France). 

During two weeks, they attended several theoretical and practical workshops on painting, plumbing, masonry, electricity and machinery. They also traveled to the French cities of Charlevile-Meziers and Reims, where they were able to visit some emblematic places, such as the Macerienne, a former factory that is being rehabilitated as a cultural space. 

More about Erasmus 

For years, the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has been participating in this scholarship programme, giving its students and staff the opportunity to travel and be formed in another European country. 

Like the students, this year 15 members of the Foundation's Training and Employment Department will travel to Lisbon from November 20th to 24th to improve their skills and exchange best practices with the Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Sul (Cenfic)


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