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The Council of Ministers approves the specialisation of VET Higher Degree in Energy Auditing

The publication in the BOE (Official State Gazette of Spain) of this curriculum is part of the results achieved in the 'Construye 2020+' project, led by Fundación Laboral de la Construcción


The Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the Education and Vocational Training Ministry, has approved Royal Decree 921/2022, of 31 October, which establishes the Higher Level Vocational Training ( VET) specialisation course in Energy Auditing and sets the basic aspects of the curriculum. This course is based on the Energy Auditing qualification defined in 'Construye 2020+' project, co-funded by the Horizon 2020 programme (identification no. 785019) and led by Fundación Laboral de Construcción, from June 2018 to December 2021.

This 420-hour course provides training in auditing and advising on energy use and consumption and associated costs of buildings, industrial or commercial facilities or operations, transport related to private or public activity or service, with the aim of identifying and reporting on energy flows and their potential for improvement.

Those who can access this training must have a Higher Degree in Development of thermal and fluid installations projects, Maintenance of thermal and fluid installations, Energy efficiency and solar thermal efficiency, Building projects, Electrotechnical and automated systems, Power plants, Renewable energies, Civil works projects, Organisation and control of construction works, and Water management.

In this sense, it should be noted that this is a specialisation course that complements the professional skills of those who already have a VET medium-level or higher-level and want to specialise in emerging sectors with a strong level of employability.

This training offer is part of the Vocational Training Modernisation Plan, promoted by the Ministry, which seeks to respond quickly to the technological and sustainable innovations in the market.

Professional qualification in Energy Auditing

In line with the creation of this course, in January 2022 the professional qualification in Energy Auditing was approved (Royal Decree 45/2022, 18 January, pages 281-310), whose elaboration was promoted by the National Institute of Qualifications (Instituto Nacional de las Cualificaciones, Incual), as a partner of the 'Construye 2020+' project, together with Fundación Laboral, and the collaboration of the partnership: Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (CSIC), Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo (Fundae), Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos (Circe) and Instituto de Robótica y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (IRTIC), ascribed to Universidad de Valencia (all of them, from Spain).

Construye 2030

After the success achieved by 'Construye 2020+', Fundación Laboral renews the leadership of the BUILD UP Skills initiative for the fourth time, coordinating the project 'Construye 2030: The construction sector towards 2030', which started last November with the Kick-off meeting.

It is a project co-funded by the Life Clean Energy Transition programme (ID no. 101077607), which aims to update the Status Quo of the sector and the Roadmap to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.


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