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L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00


The partners of BUILD UP Skills ‘Construye 2030’ organize the third meeting of the project


On 24 April, the seven partners of the Construye 2030’s project, co-financed by the LIFE Clean Energy Transition’s programme of the European Comission, met in the facilities of the Green Building Council in Spain with the objective of sharing the finished activities of the first four-month period.

Status Quo of the construction sector

One of the principal results of the project is the development of a Status Quo of the sector, in which the training needs are included, taking into account the energetic renovations of building that are necessary to accomplish the energetic objectives.

Therefore, the partners have analyzed statistics about the situation of the construction, the national policies and strategies that help to achieve the European objectives 2030, as well as the current Professional Training and the competence gaps in the sector.

During the meeting, the current information was looked over and the next step was addressed to finish the report: a quantitative study, from which it will be asked experts of the construction sector about these needs.

This document will contribute to the definition of a Roadmap, which will be published in April 2024, and will include a set of priority measures aimed at training certain construction professions to carry out their tasks with sustainable criteria, as well as retraining workers from highly polluting activities (such as mining), and attracting young people and women to the sector.

National Qualification Platform

Among the results, the partners discussed the creation of the National Qualification Platform, as a meeting point to facilitate professionals from different spheres of construction (political, economic, educational, and social) to share their experience about what are and will be the qualification needs in the industry, specifically in renewable energies, energy efficiency, nearly zero energy buildings, circular economy, digitalization, etc.

This Platform is expected to be launched in the summer of 2023.

Support of stakeholders in the project

The need to incorporate skilled workers into the construction industry is one of the most important challenges it faces, and therefore, it is crucial to involve the greatest number of sectoral agents in the project.

On January 2023, an informative meeting was celebrated in the facilities of the Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Ciencias de la Construcción del CSIC (IETcc-CSIC). The next organisation that will coordinate these meetings will be the State Foundation for Employment Training (Fundae) and the National Confederation of Construction (CNC).

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