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Fundación Laboral begins five new training innovation projects for the sector co-funded by the European Commission

These are the Pact4Youth, Construye 2030, BuildOffsiteEU, FemCon and ARTVET initiatives, focusing on youth employability, skills development, building industrialised construction, female empowerment and augmented reality


Fundación Laboral starts five new training innovation projects for the sector co-funded by the European Commission

These are the Pact4Youth, Construye 2030, BuildOffsiteEU, FemCon and ARTVET initiatives, focusing on youth employability, skills development, building industrialised construction, female empowerment and augmented reality.

From 2022 to 2024, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción will develop five new European innovation training projects for the sector, co-funded by the European Commission (EC) through the Erasmus+ programme and the LIFE programme.

The projects starting this year focus on revitalising the image of the sector, improving its attractiveness to women and young people, and proposing new innovative training methodologies to help bring construction closer to the public.

Pact4Youth: employability of young people

Fundación Laboral is leading the Pact4Youth project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EC, which promotes the employability of young people in construction, through the reinforcement of green and digital skills.

This initiative stems from the Pact for Skills for Construction, promoted by the main sectoral organisations of the European Union (EU) and proposes to develop: a Roadmap and Action Plan for the employability of young people, intermediation and support services, promotion of collaboration agreements between SMEs and training centres to implement internship programmes, organisation of masterclasses and awareness-raising campaigns to increase young people's interest in the sector.

Construye 2030: skills development

Construye 2030 is a BUILD UP Skills project, framed within the LIFE programme led by Fundación Laboral, which aims to update the status quo of the sector and the roadmap designed to achieve the energy objectives.

In addition, the initiative will relaunch the National Qualification Platform, focusing on promoting collaborative work between professionals from different areas of construction, analysing sectoral statistics, developing discussion groups and interviews with experts, and organising support and dissemination seminars to bring the project closer to the public.

BuildOffsiteEU: industrialised construction

Fundación leads the Erasmus+ BuildOffsiteEU project, which focuses on requalifying the sector's workforce for the transition from traditional to industrialised construction. Promoting this transformation is in line with the environmental and climate change policies that Europe is promoting and that affect specific priorities in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in construction.

For this reason, BuildOffsiteEU will develop an interactive off-site training pathway, a skills map and a set of e-tools to inform companies and clients about the benefits of industrialised construction.

FemCon: female workforce

Fundación participates in the FemCon project, part of the Erasmus+ programme and led by the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations, which, based on the identification of the current and future needs of the construction workforce, seeks to develop educational tools to address gender stereotypes in the sector.

ARTVET: augmented reality

The Erasmus+ ARTVET project, in which Fundación Laboral participates and which is led by the German entity Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes E.V. (BZB), addresses digital transformation through the promotion of digital skills necessary to introduce techniques such as Augmented Reality in VET, through the creation of a network of VET centres for Employment and the development of skills in these centres.

These five new European projects are added to the seven that the entity is currently working on: Construction Blueprint, which proposes a new strategic approach for VET in the sector in Europe; Green Growth, which seeks to implement the circular economy as a transversal subject in the sector's VET; Natur Build, which develops a course to train in all phases of construction of green roofs; EPIU Getafe. Hogares Saludables, which seeks to identify and reduce energy poverty in the municipality; SetAR, which is developing an Augmented Reality app for training in safe earthmoving; Mix-Tec, which identifies which technologies are most effective for promoting digital education (Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality); and Let's Campaign for the exchange of good practices and the improvement of the image of VET.

In addition, since 2013, the sector's peer organisation has been offering its students the possibility of living the Erasmus experience abroad, through scholarships that complete their education with quality training for two weeks in different VET centres in other European countries.


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  • Responsable del tratamiento: FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN.
  • Finalidad del tratamiento: mantener al usuario informado sobre la actualidad de la FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN y del sector de la construcción.
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