900 11 21 21

L-J 9:00 - 19:00
V 9:00 - 15:00


The 'EPIU Getafe. Hogares saludables' project brings together over a hundred attendees to discuss energy vulnerability at its 'Final Event'


On July 5th, the partners of the project 'EPIU Getafe. Hogares Saludables' organized an analysis session of the results and experiences derived from the initiative at the MERCADO Space in Getafe. The initiative is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the European Union's UIA program. The event was attended by over 100 participants, including the First Deputy Mayor, council members, municipal authorities, UIA Secretariat members, experts, representatives from the EPIU project partners, and other European projects, as well as members of various associations and the general public.

During the event, municipal policymakers were able to highlight the significant contributions that the Project has brought to Getafe, and how the City has become a benchmark in energy vulnerability. The representative from the UIA Project Secretariat also spoke, emphasizing the great interest that the Getafe Project has generated in Europe, and invited our City to continue implementing it beyond the funding period, which will conclude this summer. Moreover, she acknowledged the excellent possibilities that Getafe has, leveraging the positioning and prestige achieved by EPIU, to obtain funding for new projects within the calls proposed by the European Commission, encouraging to take advantage of these opportunities.

 The event served to recognize the great work carried out by all the project partners, including the Getafe City Council, Empresa Municipal del Suelo y la Vivienda de Getafe, Carlos III University, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Environmental Sciences Association, Khora Urban Thinkers, Naturgy Foundation, Red Cross, and the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, with the collaboration of the municipal company GETAFE INICIATIVAS, GISA. During the event, the conclusions of the research on energy vulnerability in the neighborhoods of Las Margaritas and La Alhóndiga in Getafe were explained.

In addition, the advanced data analysis tool based on artificial intelligence called 'Intelligent Unit for Energy Poverty' was presented, along with the creation of a municipal data lake that will enable the development of data-based social policies in the coming years, including initiatives aimed at reducing energy bills and improving the comfort of homes in Getafe. This innovative development can also be applied to other municipalities in Spain and the rest of Europe.



This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Urban Innovative Actions Intiative. 
The content of this publication reflects only the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.

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