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The VRoad project awarded as an example of good practice in Erasmus+ programme

VRoad is among 41 Erasmus+ KA2 projects selected by the European Commission's MedNet Countries network for promoting European objectives, specifically "digitisation in the VET sector"


The VRoad project, led by Fundación Laboral de la Construcción to promote Health and Safety in road works through Virtual Reality, has been included in the compendium of Erasmus+ KA2 projects, implemented between 2014-2020, considered as good practices by the MedNet Countries network of the European Commission (EC).

This network, formed by the Erasmus+ National Agencies of the Mediterranean that coordinate this programme in Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey and Spain, in which case it is the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación -SEPIE-), has highlighted VRoad's work to achieve the European development objectives in the field of education and learning, and for responding to the priority of boosting digitalisation in the Vocational Education and Training sector.

As stated in the publication, these projects are "the development and strengthening of transnational partnerships between organisations active in education, training or other socio-economic fields in order to exchange experiences in international cooperation, strengthen their capacities and achieve high quality innovative results".

VRoad. Virtual Reality applied to road safety training in the European construction industry

The project started in 2018 with the aim of developing a Virtual Reality application that would help to improve the Health and Safety of road works professionals through games that simulate in virtual scenarios real jobs, such as: lane deviation, replacement of guardrail and vertical signal, and action in case of emergency.

In this way, through the immersive experience, the aim was to facilitate the learning of these workers by reducing the risks involved in road exposure.

The project involved four training institutions for the construction sector, Formedil Piemonte (Italy), Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Sul -Cenfic- (Portugal), BTP CFA Indre-et-Loire (France) and a technological partner, GA Group (Spain), in charge of the technological development of the VRoad application.





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  • Responsable del tratamiento: FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN.
  • Finalidad del tratamiento: mantener al usuario informado sobre la actualidad de la FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN y del sector de la construcción.
  • Legitimación: consentimiento del interesado.
  • Destinatarios: Sus datos no van a ser cedidos a terceros, salvo que exista una obligación legal. Sólo podrán ser tratados por colaboradores de la FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN para la gestión de sus sitios web.
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